The Princess Is In

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bye-bye Pounds

I just realized that I haven't updated on my weight loss efforts since January 15th, which was the end of Week 1. Time for a recap...

Week 2 (which ended on the January 22rd) was just as good as far as eating and exercise go but none of us had a loss. In fact, two of us gained. Ashley stayed the same, Robert gained half a pound and I gained 1 pound. Robert and I definitely took it in stride but I think Ashley was a bit discouraged. Robert and I had such significant losses the first week that we expected very little if anything that second week. Plus, the two of us have been workout fiends on the treadmill and that can make a difference. We’re building muscle. And since muscle weighs more than fat… there you go. Plus, we’ve done this before and we know that weight just naturally fluctuates sometimes. You can follow your program to the letter and sometimes the scale just won’t budge but the next week you’ll drop 5 lbs. So, we were rather prosaic about it. We tried to be very positive and say that we all weigh less than when we started so there was nothing to be discouraged about! Anyway, that ended Phase 1 (the restrictive sugar-detox phase) and we moved into Phase 2. We were able to start adding the “good carbs” back in. I was so excited to be able to have a sandwich for lunch (on whole-grain sugar-free bread, of course). How pitiful is that? =) But I really love sandwiches and hadn’t been able to have any bread for the previous two weeks.

This past Sunday the 29th ended Week 3 and, just as Robert and I predicted, the losses caught up with us. I dropped another 4 pounds for a total loss so far of 12.5 pounds. Whoo-hoo! I tell ya, I’m not even particularly struggling with this. Like I said previously, something has clicked this time and I’m just “in the zone.” I’m not truly tempted by anything, I don’t have the urge to “cheat.” I just made up my mind that I was making these changes and would be eating better and that was that. I can’t tell you how proud I am of myself. =)


Blogger Cami said...

oh, Yummy! I love that Arby's wrap also :)
and the salads from BK are just fave is the grilled chicken garden salad.

2:04 AM  

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